Monday, June 13, 2011


An in-depth analysis of the Path shown by Baba leads to certain obvious pointers essentially required for spiritual evolution of human beings. Baba, during His interaction with a very large number of devotees of different religions and paths had repeatedly brought out certain common emotional, psychological and physical parameters to be followed by the devotees. Although specific instructions were given directly or indirectly to most of the devotees to solve their immediate or mundane problems, yet the general parameters for ethical living and spiritual evolution were more profound and long term. After Baba left His human form, those who followed the parameters and advice for the rest of their lives benefited immensely. Others, who deviated, in the absence of interaction with a Sadguru with a human body, did not evolve much. This is the conclusion one is bound to draw when lives of the prominent devotees of Baba are examined as a whole.
    These general parameters for a contented and evolved life have been brought to the fore extensively in Shri Sai Satcharitra when it narrates real-life happenings at Shirdi, anecdotes and interpretations. Most of the other books written on Baba have also tried to bring out these parameters in different ways. Thus for a good disciple the examples from the life of Baba and his percepts, as codified in Shri Sai Satcharitra and other published materials should work as the best reference points of guidance for their ethical conduct and spiritual progress. This is why I always prescribe reading of Shri Sai Satcharitra in particular and other related materials to the devotees and others following any path or religion. Whenever in doubt about his thoughts and actions a devotee should try to relate with the information on similar situations provided in Shri Sai Satcharitra. He should always judge to find out as to how far he is able to progress with reference to these parameters as the permanent principles of an ethical existence.

Baba has spoken about these greatest principles in the simplest way, when exemplifying these principles through his own conduct as well. For example let us take the case of a man who spoke ill of another devotee to Baba. Baba told him that pigs will only eat dirt even when given the best of food. The meaning of this sentence is too obvious to be explained. Or when, while giving two rupees to a person who had helped Baba with a step ladder in going up and coming down the home of Radhakrishnamayi, announced that one must pay for the labour of another. In fact the entire gamut of all his advice reiterates the principles of ethical conduct reflected in Shrimad Bhagavata Gita.

The problem with some of the devotees is that they read Shri Sai Satcharitra more intensely for its miracle stories rather than for understanding the applied principles of an ethical living. Further while carrying on their mundane deeds or misdeeds they often forget Babas advice at that moment. Therefore, they are prone to ask the same questions on various issues again and again over the years when ever in trouble. What Baba wanted the followers to do is more to practice these principles than to read. As Babas intentions reveal, the question is not as to how many times one has failed while trying but as to whether he is determined and remembers these principles while doing any act, good or bad. Each devotee needs to ask this question to himself and find the answer in the light of Shri Sai Satcharitra.

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