Monday, June 13, 2011


The theory of karma (our deeds) is difficult to comprehend; we can recall scientific principal of 'Action and Reaction'. The theory of karma is of similar type. We have to bear consequences of our deeds whether immediately or later, but there is no escape to it, if we touch fire, our hand will burn immediately, on the other hand if we smoke our body will diminish slowly. Following same principal, whatever outcome of our good or bad action performed in last birth has to experience in following birth to come. There is no way out of it.
“one has to reap what one sows and there is no escape unless one suffers and square up one's old debts and dealing other.” Chapter 47 of sacred text Sai Satcharitra.
While doing any good deed, it must not be done because some other person is doing it. It must be according to one's physical, financial and spiritual capacity. This was put into action by Sai Baba when he rejected offer for another wooden plank to be hanged on celling for Mahlasapati by Kakasaheb Dixit in chapter 45 of scared text- Sai Satcharitra.
In the same chapter, we have seen what Baba has said about running around and trying advice of various Gurus, “There are innumerable saints in the world, but our father (Guru). Other might say many good things, but we should never forget our Guru's advice, because he knows what is best for us.”
Sai Baba adviced his devotees to shun of atheists, irreligious and wicked person's altogether. Instead, he used to ask his devotees to seek company of saint, “The importance of the company of saint is very great. It removes our body – consciousness and egoism, destroys completely the chain of our birth and death, cuts assured al the knots of the heart and takes us to God, who is pure consciousness . it certainly increase our non-attachment to sense- objects, and makes us quite indifferent to pleasures and pains , and lead us on the spiritual path. If you have no other source, such as uttering God's name, worship or devotion ect. But if you take refuge in theme (Saints) whole – heartedly, they will carry you off safely the ocean of worldly existence. It is for this reason that the saint manifests them in this world. Even sacred rivers such as the Ganges, Godavari, Krishna and Kaveri etc. which wash away the sins of the world, desire that the saints should come to them, for a bath and purify them. Such is the grandeur of the Saints “.
 Even hearing the stories of saints or reading the Books, written by them, Is in a way keeping their company.
It may happen that even is a person wishes to do good acts walk on the path of teaching prescribed in scriptures, he is not able to do which lead him to evil path. What can be reason behind this? It is because of deeds in past life and his nature framed accordingly.
Also sometime it also happens that it is difficult in deciding to perform a good act. Some other person of evil nature may advice not to proceed with a good act. Thus this time is testing for the good person as he has to distinguish between good and bad deed. Being firm to his decision and taking action accordingly, he can certainly reach his goal avoiding evil advice.
Devotees were often helped by Sai Baba encourage thought of hemadpant to sing unceasingly Rama's name during one Thursday, by arranging coincidence of making Dabholkar listen to a song sung by one Aurangabadkar on Rama. It was a regret of Baba that very few devotees come to him for spiritual upliftment. He says in chapter 32, “ MY Sircar's treasure (spiritual wealth ) is full, it is overflowing. Dig out and take away this wealth in cartloads, the blessed son of a true mother should fill himself with this wealth. The skill of my Fakir, the leela of my Bhagwan, the aptitude of my Sircar is quit unique. What about me? Body (earth) will with earth, breath with air. This time won't come again.”
This is very well explained by Sai Baba in chapter 50 by the following story. On Shri Vasundevanand Saraswati, know as Shri Tembye Swami encamped, at Rajamahendri (Andhra Country ), on the bank of Godavari. One mr. pundalikrao, pleader of Nanded (Nizam State) went to see him, with some friends. While they were talking with him, the names of Shirdi and Sai Baba were casually mentioned. Hearing Baba's name, the Swami bowed with his hands; and taking a coconut gave it to pundalikrao, and said to him, “offer this to my brother Sai, with my pranam and others left for Shirdi with the coconut. Unfortunately the fruit broke that was entrusted to pundalikrao. Fearing and trembling, he came to Shirdi and saw Baba. Baba had already received a wireless message, regarding the coconut, from the Tembye Swami, as he himself asked Pundalikraofirst to give the things sent by his brother. He held fast Baba's Feet, confessed his guilt and negligence, repented and asked for Baba's for giveness. He offered to give another fruit as a substitute, but Baba refused to accept it saying that the worth of that coconut was by far, many times more, than an ordinary one and that it could not be replaced by another one. Baba also added- “now you need not worry yourself any more about the matter. It was on account of my wish that the coconut was entrusted to you, and ultimately broken on the way; why should you take the responsibility of the action on you? Do not entertain the sense of doership in doing good, as well as for bad deeds; be entirely prideless and egoless in all things and thus your spiritual progress will be rapid.”                                         

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