Monday, June 13, 2011


A soul has to take on a body made up of five element to come to this earth. It is said that soul has to take birth to learn and to experience each and every aspect of human   emotion without forgetting its original state I.e, purity, love and bilss. It is through this human life that a soul can finally merge with the holy divine Supreme from which it was separated million of year ago. In every birth, the soul strive to reach the perfection so that it can get enlightened and become aware of the truth about oneness of the universe i.e, ALL IS ONE . All soul are the tiny part of that supreme Divine Power thereby implying that all soul have that tiny spark of Supreme Spirit within. However, after taking human birth, in ignorance, the soul cannot recall its original state, get entangled in the earthly enjoyment and forgets its mission of self realization and subsequently the God realization.
In its human form the soul cannot sit idle. It performs various karmas to get on with the life, becomes attached to materialism over and above spiritualism. Whether the karma is 'good' or 'bad' it is immaterial. The universal law takes note of all the actions a soul perform to carry out its earthly existence. It is said that all such karmas accumulate and become Sanchit Karma (Accumulated Karma). It is said that all our Karma are recorded and stored in our Akashic records. A soul cannot merge with the spirit unless it has worked out the cause and effect of its Karma because universal law funcation flawlessly and impartially. When the soul is reborn again, it brings with it portion of karma is called prarabdh. It is said that seventy five percent life of soul is preordained and soul has no say in it. Soul has to bear it whether it bring wordly happiness or wordly sadness. For the balance twenty five percent life the soul can use its God given freewill which creates Kriyaman Karma (Active Karma). These Kriyaman karma also result in accumulating more sanchit karma.
Outcome of prarabdh are those happenings in the souls earthly life which happen without any or little effort . soul feels happy when it gains materialistic comforts, pleasures and position in life but it get totally baffled when it loses the very same possession unexpectatedly, without any explainable reason. Soul does not realize that this is the fruit or effect of cause of its prarabdh in this lifetime. For example,we find a good human being doing all the best for the world but yet suffering from a deadly disease,a selfish person getting success in almost any activity it undertakes. All this is happening due to prarabdh of these souls.
Imagine how it could be when different souls come together in alifetime and form a family.each soul has its own prarabdh and its own individual journey.but universal law is arrange the soul group so affectively that one soul's prarabdh matches with the parabdh of other souls. Thus souls living in a family life not only performs their respective earthly duties but also work out their prarabdh together. This way they keep cpming back on earth again and again,learn their lessons and help each other to work out their balance karmas till their last earthly desire has been fulfilled.the soul discards its human body once its prarabdh of current lifetime is worked out completely.however,maya plays such a strong role that it takes age foran ignorant soul towork outall its karma and realize the Supreme Divine Power is nowhere else but within.
The biggest question is how can the effect of karmas be effaced ? man's action or karmas are the manifestations of his thoughts.karma is any action, thought, feeling, emotion generation by mind of Man.the mid ,by projecting thoughts to sence-organs, enjoys pleasures. It, more or less identifies itself with these thoughts and pleasure. At that time, it does not think of thing else. In actual, the earthly thpughts and impulses should be converted into the zeal for securing internal bilss and happiness after attaining a perfect balance between materialism and spiritualism. In simple terms, soul must perform duties required to be performed in its earthly lifetime with a sense of detachment i.e, without feeling sad about lossed and without feeling elated about gain. But then it easier said that done .
Meditation is one way for the soul to connect to the higher self. Shirdi sai baba advice mankind to look inwards. The soul should find a quiet place, close eye and meditate . the purpose is to withdrawn all five sence inwards, make them inactive because these sence have been given to soul to see, hear taste, touch and enjoy the ecternal wordly only . the practice of meditation in solitude consists in reverting anf raising internal spark of the soul to try to reach the high self. It is said that the seat of that spark is at midpoint behind the eye called Third Eye  or Krishna / Christ Consciousness. When such a condition being to supervene to some extent , as a result of performing the meditation practices , the working of karmas, both internally and witnessing the love, grace mercy of the Supreme being, the meditatiors' mind is, of itself, detached from the world and its pleasure. The pleasure of the world become insipid. The situation is the same , however, its effect on the meditators mind changes. The soul finds peace in all the situations it finds itself in whether good or bad, it doesnot matter anymore.
After this, the loning for progress in meditation, and higher bliss, goes on increasing. Worldly desires are curtailed. The soul always gives priority to the will, grace and mercy of the Supreme Being in whatever he does . it subordinates its desire to the will of the Supreme Being. Thus the soul is entangled in Kriyaman (active) karmas very little or not at all . this cuts short the chain of its karmas.
Our prarabdh krama's unfold much mitigates by the grace and mercy of the Divine Spirit. This way the soul is able to withdraw from the eye, it goes on getting detached from the body and the world. In the wakeful satate, the seat of the spirit is behind the eye. it is here that pain and pleasure are felt and karmas are performed. Therefore, as the spark of soul is withdran from here with the help spiritual exercise, pain and pleasure cease to be felt. In this way, the effect of parabdh karmas is to the sanchit karmas, that are stored in Akashic records (mind – sky / collective universal consciousness) in the form of seed- impressions. They will fructify in a future life. As the soul penetrates these records in its ascent to higher regions, the sanchit karmas appear in the form of thoughts and impulses. They come into play for a short while only  and are obliterated and finally the sanchit karma are also cleared off.
If one has the grace of Sadguru (special messengers of God like Jesus or Saibaba), it will not take long for a soul to achieve the desires result. With Guru /God 's grace , the soul realize that meditator, object of meditation all are ONE.
As per Sai Satcharita (book containing life and teaching of Shirdi Sai Baba) taking the road of devotion (towards any one particular God of your choice) is the easiest way to get free from the karmas. A mind cannot sit idle but if we give it some wise thought , say, chanting 'Sai Sai' (you can substitute this with name of God you believe in) always, get rid of feeling of doership and surrender all our action, thoughts and ourselves to our God, we have taken our first step toward working out our karma fast. Saibaba (God) will internally and remind the soul of its purpose of taking human birth. This doesnot mean that the soul will not have to work out the prarabdh. Saibaba(God) will not come in the functioning of the universal law but will make the soul strong enough that it will not feel the effect of prarabdh i.e, soul will not be ecstatic when it gain and will not feel depressed when it suffers.

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