Monday, June 13, 2011


  • Forget each kindness that you do as soon as you have done it,
  • Forget the praise that falls to you the moment you have won it,
  • Forget the slanders you hear before you can repeat it,
  • Forget each slight, each spite, each sneer where ever you meet it.
  • Keep us O'Lord from pettiness. Let us be large in thought, in Word and deed.
  • Build your house upon a rock was the advice of centuries ago. There is no stronger rock than true love.
  • It is good to have money and the things that money can buy. But it's good, too, to check up once a while and make sure that you have not lost "THE THINGS" that money cannot buy.
  • The real value of any incident or any thing depends on view point.
  • A good reputation, a clear conscience, appreciation of nature, a peaceful heart, the knowledge of having given happiness to others, a trained and well filled mind. satisfaction from duty well done, faith in the outcome of right, contentment and well adjusted social relationships, make true happiness.
  • One thing at a time and that done well is wisdoms proven rule.
  • Even a smile can grow and accomplish much.
  • How far that little candle throws its beams. so shines a good deed in a naughty world.
  • Never was a kind word wasted. Never was one said in vain.

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